Wednesday 26 October 2016

Place des Halles Centrales, 76600 Le Havre (Central Market)

Covered market hall
Opening hrs : Mon-Sat, morning and afternoon
Sun morning only : open-air market surrounding the hall 

We have never tested their opening hours. In general, 9am to 12 noon or 2 to 5pm is safe.

This market hall has a good variety of shops : fruits and veg, fishmonger, charcuterie or butcher shop, etc....

Within, there is also a supermarket called U Express.

The fishmonger shop Poissonnerie Normande will open and pack nicely the oysters for you, if you buy from them.

NB : Charcuterie is a unique food in France, encompassing pâté, fois gras, saucisse, saucisson, jambon, etc...

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